The effect of digital marketing, digital finance and digital payment on finance performance of Indonesian SMEs
Digital Marketing Digital Finance and Digital Payment Indonesian SMEs Finance PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of digital finance, digital marketing and digital
payment variables on finance performance. This study uses quantitative methods and data analysis
techniques is performed based on Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The
method of selecting the sample using the snowball sampling methods. Online questionnaires were
sent to 190 SMEs respondents in the province of Banten Indonesia and evaluated the returned questionnaires. The results of data analysis show that the digital finance had a positive and significant
effect on the finance performance, the digital payment had a positive and significant effect on the
finance performance and the digital marketing had a positive and significant effect on the finance
performance. The findings of this research can provide benefits for MSME actors in developing their
business to improve business performance, by paying attention to aspects of MSME digitization and
financial literacy of MSME entrepreneurs. Keep in mind, the important role of information technology in business activities requires entrepreneurs to improve their digital literacy.